Social Media Advertising

How to get more likes and shares

More Traffic, Sales & Conversions From Social Media Campaigns

Expand Your Reach With Data driven advertising

Spend Your Advertising Dollars Wisely

Social media advertising is the most cost-effective form of advertising available today. On average, you can spend $5 and reach 1,000 people. In comparison to traditional media, our social media advertising services are 3x less costly.

Social media advertising costs are based on two things. First, your ad budget. Second, the cost of your time. Our services are here to provide you with expert help by optimizing your social media ad campaigns and saving you time to do so. That’s a double win for you.

Reach your target audience

We can help you reach your target audience based on:

  • Demographics: Run laser-targeted social media campaigns based on their interests, specific ages, gender, locations, income levels, and much more!
  • Email Lists: We can run custom ads to your email database. If you have the emails of previous leads or customers, say hello to repeat sales and new referrals.
  • Website Visitors: We can add retargeting pixels to your website and advertise to recent website visitors. Only 1-2% of visitors convert on their first visit. We’ll use remarketing to increase your rate of conversions.

Company Strengths at a glance

Our Strong Points

Our team of digital advertising experts can help you to design and execute the right campaigns to find, grow, and engage your audience. All of our campaigns are driven by data and reported back to you so you can measure the effectiveness of the campaign and measure return on investment (ROI).


Featured Case Study

Marketing the Stuft Bird

Only Champaign County’s Finest

Lawrence over at The Stuft Bird is changing the way you eat chicken! During 217 Black Restaurant Weekend, we spotlighted their growing business and sky rocketed their numbers. It’s a great example of a unique product meeting consumer.

Post Engagements
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Total Likes, Comments, Shares
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Post Clicks
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Facebook remains to be the most popular social media advertising platform for businesses to reach their target audience with ad campaigns reaching over 1.95 billion out of the platform’s 2.5 billion monthly active users.



92% of Instagram users stated that they have followed a brand, visited their website/landing page, or made a purchase after seeing their product/service on the social platform.


This social media platform is popular for discovering trending events paired up with creative hashtags. And the fact that the users are very interactive on this social platform makes it one of the best ways to engage and connect with your target audience either through your tweets or Twitter ads.


If you are running a B2B company and want to increase brand awareness, website traffic, and influence conversions use LinkedIn advertising to reach decision-makers and professionals. Over 65% of B2B companies stating that they have used LinkedIn paid ads to acquire new clients.

Get Fast Results

We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication

Our social media advertising services expedites your results. You can reach people instantly on social networks.

This means you can generate followers, engagement, and website traffic fast. The more ad dollars you’re able to provide, the more people we can reach. As you reach more people, you open up the door for more brand awareness, traffic and sales.


We Have Great Answers

Ask Us Anything

Social media advertising costs are based on two things. First, your ad budget. Second, the cost of your time. Our services are here to provide you with expert help by optimizing your social media ad campaigns and saving you time to do so. That’s a double win for you.

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Social Media Advertising For Small Businesses

Our Social Media Advertising Services


  • Globally, the average Facebook user has reportedly clicked 12 Facebook ads in the last 30 days.
  • 6% of marketers stated that they use Facebook video ads.
  • Facebook advertising campaigns reach 1.95 billion out of the platform’s 2.5 billion monthly active users.

Facebook remains to be the most popular social media advertising platform for businesses to reach their target audience and drive web traffic. Whether you’re an ecommerce, B2C or B2B company, reach your target market easier with Facebook advertising.


  • 92% of the total user interaction with brand tweets are link clicks.
  • During live events such as concerts, seminars and contests, Twitter ads are reported to be 11% more effective than TV ads.
  • Users are 26% more likely to view ads on Twitter.

When you want to know what people are currently talking about, go to Twitter and you’ll know. This social media platform is popular for discovering trending events paired up with creative hashtags. And the fact that the users are very interactive on this social platform makes it one of the best ways to engage and connect with your target audience either through your tweets or Twitter ads.


  • By using Instagram ads, you can reach over a billion people.
  • 92% of Instagram users stated that they have followed a brand, visited their website/landing page, or made a purchase after seeing their product/service on the social platform.
  • Instagram ad reach is up to 5.7%.

Use one of the most visually-engaging social media platforms to date to spark interest in your products and services. Capture users’ attention on their Instagram news feed with engaging social media advertisements.


    • LinkedIn ads can reach up to 12% of the global population
    • According to B2B content marketers, LinkedIn is the top paid and organic social media channel.
    • 65% of B2B companies stated that they have used LinkedIn paid ads to acquire new clients.

    Use LinkedIn advertising to reach decision-makers and professionals. If you are running a B2B company and want to increase brand awareness, website traffic, and influence conversions, use LinkedIn advertising.

Want To Boost Your Business Today?

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