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Facebook vs. LinkedIn vs. Twitter

Whether or not you should be using social media platforms for your business is out of consideration because, in this time and age, if your business doesn’t have a social media presence, then it doesn’t have anything. If you want your business to stay relevant and visible to people in today’s fast-moving world, then it must be a part of social media.

According to research held for the marketers, it was discovered that social media is 92% helpful in increasing the exposure of a business and making it successful. This means that if you are not utilizing social media to its fullest and at your disposal, you miss great opportunities for your business.

However, when you decide to create a business account on social media, it can be tricky (especially if you do it for the first time). This happens because there are thousands of social media platforms to choose from, and it can get very confusing.  To make things a bit easier for you and help you choose a suitable social media platform for your business, we have decided to give you a brief review (more like a comparison) of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Social media platforms for your business


Even though we have heard shady things for the past few about Mark Zuckerberg, we have to admit that he has built one of the best and biggest social media platforms. It is the first choice of all business when it comes to promotion. A 2019 report identified that small businesses could earn almost $17.652 billion in the period of 12 months.  But, how does Facebook help in generating so much money? Easy answer: Facebook ads.

Facebook has more than 1 billion active users. Naturally, using this platform to create business awareness is the best way to reach more people and turn them into your customers. Facebook is a great place to interact with clients after you make them aware of your brand. You can also form groups and pages where you can intermingle one on one with your customers, creating a stronger bond with them.


LinkedIn is relatively new as compared to Facebook. This social media platform is exclusively created for professionals seeking job opportunities and providing job opportunities. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn doesn’t have that much exposure when it comes to promoting your business. And people don’t turn to it searching for new businesses, and they only go there searching for career opportunities.


Twitter, just like Facebook, has many marketing strategies. A business can significantly benefit from marketing their business on Twitter because it can reach millions of individuals. However, the competition on Twitter is challenging because of presence of all the VIPs and all brands trying to catch their attention.

So, the key to using Twitter for your advantage is to ensure that you continuously engage your audience by regularly posting and updating the customers with your posts. All in all, we can say that Twitter is a powerful tool for creating powerful brand awareness and directly interacting with your customers.

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